Special Session on Homotopy Theory in Honor of Martin Bendersky's and Donald M. Davis's 60th Birthdays


Where: AMS 2005 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting
            University of Delaware           
            Newark, DE  (Meeting #1005)
            All talks will be held in Room 114 of Purnell Hall (see a map)

When:  April 2-3, 2005

Ken Monks and W. Stephen Wilson

Official Information: about the meeting that was published in the Notices can be read here. It has detailed information about hotels, airfare, travel, parking, shuttle services, registration fees, and discounts available to participants in addition to other topics about the conference.

Directions: Detailed directions to the University of Delaware can be found at their web site.

Accommodations: A list of local accommodations near the University of Delaware can also be found at their web site.

Banquet: A banquet will be held Saturday evening, April 2, 2005 at the Iron Hill Brewery at 6:00pm. It is within walking distance of the University (click here for a map).  Each guest will pay $26 at a table set up at the door to the banquet room before entering the room. This will cover the cost of the meal plus refillable nonalcoholic drinks (coke, sprint, diet, coffee, and house made root beer) for the entire evening. Each guest may also purchase zero or more $5 tickets at the door. Each ticket can be exchanged for either an alcoholic drink or a dessert.  Alcoholic drinks and dessert can also be purchased separately via a cash bar mechanism once inside the room.  Each guest will be able to choose from Penne Carbonara (vegetarian), Salmon, or Pan Roasted Chicken breasts upon arrival at the banquet.

Speakers: The conference will feature the following speakers:

David T. Allen
Tony Bahri
Martin Bendersky
Jungyoon Byun
Fred Cohen
Don Davis
Jesus Gonzalez
Ralph M Kaufmann
Nick Kuhn
Kathryn Lesh
Jim Lin
Mark Mahowald
John McCleary
Haynes Miller
Simona Paoli
Katarzyna Potocka
Duane Randall
Doug Ravenel
Joe Roitberg
Yuli Rudyak
Tom Shimkus
Ron Umble
Jie Wu

Deadline for Abstracts: The deadline for abstract submission was February 8, 2005.

Schedule of Talks: All talks will be held in Room 114 of Purnell Hall (see a map)

Saturday, April 2, 2005



Morning Session

8:00-8:20 am Douglas C Ravenel Higher chromatic generalizations of elliptic cohomology
8:30-8:50 am Kathryn Lesh A curious filtration of spectra arising from Segal's machine (with Gregory Arone)
9:00-9:20 am John McCleary Combinatorial Topology
9:30-9:50 am Simona Paoli An operadic approach to internal structures in homotopical algebra (with Steve Lack)
10:00-10:20 am James P Lin Mod p Homology Rings of H-spaces
10:30-10:50 am Nicholas J. Kuhn Telescopic functors: a crash course

Afternoon Session

2:30-2:50 pm Mark Mahowald The construction of v232 periodic maps
3:00-3:20 pm Yuli B. Rudyak On fundamental groups of compact Hausdorff spaces
3:30-3:50 pm Joseph Roitberg Revisiting an example of Frank and Kahn (with Yael Roitberg)
4:00-4:20 pm Tony Bahri On work of Martin Bendersky and Donald Davis
4:30-4:50 pm Martin Bendersky Don Davis' contribution to homotopy theory
5:00-5:20 pm Donald M. Davis The mathematical work of Martin Bendersky

Sunday, April 3, 2005



Morning Session

8:00-8:20 am Haynes Miller Hochschild cohomology and Quillen cohomology
8:30-8:50 am Jungyoon Byun Renormalization, Bonsai and Homological Algebra
9:00-9:20 am Duane Randall Block Bundle Obstruction to Kervaire Invariant One
9:30-9:50 am Jesus Gonzalez On Brown-Peterson cohomology of B(Z2e×Z2e) and the motion planning problem for lens spaces
10:00-10:20 am Thomas A. Shimkus The immersion problem for 2r-torsion lens spaces
10:30-10:50 am Katarzyna Potocka The 2-primary v1-periodic homotopy groups of SU(n) revisited  (with Donald M. Davis)

Afternoon Session

2:30-2:50 pm Jie Wu  Shuffle relations on the Cohen groups
3:00-3:20 pm F. R. Cohen Experiments with simplicial groups (with J. Wu)
3:30-3:50 pm Ralph M Kaufmann Cells models for operads and actions on the Hochschild complex
4:00-4:20 pm Ronald Umble Matrons and A-Bialgebras (with Samson Saneblidze)
4:30-4:50 pm David T. Allen Applications of the Homotopy Groups of Toric Spaces

Fees & Money: There is no money available to pay for speakers' expenses including travel. See the AMS policy regarding special sessions for more information. The AMS also requires organizers and speakers to pay a registration fee for the conference. The fees are $40 for AMS or CMS members, $60 for nonmembers; and $5 for students/unemployed/emeritus, payable on site by cash, check, or credit card.