(or how to assign intractable open questions to undergraduates)
What kinds of projects are we discussing?
How do such projects fit into the faculty workload and student curriculum?
How do we define successful for undergraduate research projects?
Tips, tricks, and logistics.
See math.scranton.edu/monks/pubs.html for details.
C. Farruggia, M. Lawrence, B. Waterhouse; The Elimination of a Family of
Periodic Parity Vectors in the
Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 10 (4), Spring (1996), 275-280 (1996 Richard V.
Andree award winner)
Fusaro, Marc, A Visual Representation of Sequence Space, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 10 (6), Spring 1997, 466-481 (1997 MAA EPADEL section student paper competition winner and 1997 Richard V. Andree award winner)
Joseph, J.; A Chaotic Extension of the
Function to
Fibonacci Quarterly, 36.4 (Aug 1998), 309-316 (1996 MAA EPADEL section
student paper competition winner)
Fraboni, M.;Conjugacy and the
(1998 MAA EPADEL section student paper competition winner)
Kucinski, G.; Cycles for the
on the Gaussian Integers, to appear, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal
Riggi, C.; Hutchinson Operators in
honor's thesis, Spring 2001
Yazinski, J.; Pseudoperiodicity of the
Conjugacy Function (in preparation)
Monks, K.;
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 5, no.
1, (2002), 47-54
Monks, K. and Yazinski, J.; The Autoconjugacy of the
, Discrete Mathematics, 275, (2004) pp 219-236
Monks, K.; A Category of Topological Spaces Classifying Acyclic Set Theoretic Dynamics, in preparation
Carter, N. and Monks, K.; Lurch!: Recipe-based Theorem Proving Software, FSRP project 1996-99
Johnston, J.,Monks, K.; QuizMaker: Algorithmic Generation of Mathematical Assessments, SFTMP project, 2000-2001
Pricci, V. and Solfanelli, G.; Algorithmic Generation of Mathematical Assessments in Exam Builder, SFTMP project, 1998-1999
Faculty Student Research Program (FSRP)
Students get transcript recognition for a successfully semester of work
No tuition fee, no credit
Can participate for more than one semester
No monetary compensation for faculty
No reduction of teaching load for faculty
Student Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program (SFTMP)
Analogous to FSRP but for teaching
Honors program
Faculty Directed Undergraduate Summer Research Grant
Math 493-494: Mathematical Research
An undergraduate research project in mathematics is successful if and only if
1. The student investigates an open question (no expository papers)
2. The student writes a paper of publication quality
3. The student presents the paper off-campus
Only mentor one student at a time!
Give yourself lots of time: 1.5-2.5 years per project!
You and the student must get along personally!
Much work is done in the summer and winter intersession.
Much work is done outside of school, at home, restaurants, by email, etc.
Lots of hand-holding, encouragement, and butt-kicking required!
Experience the nature of mathematical research
Graduate school preparation
Looks great on graduate school applications
Learn how to write a mathematical paper
Counts toward promotion and tenure
Justifies released time, grants, etc.
The joy of talking about open problems at an undergraduate school
It's just plain rewarding!