Lurch for Instructors

Instructors who would like to create their own Lurch course materials using the rule libraries and content from my Math 299 course can find supporting materials here. NOTE: some of this is under construction.

Instructor Version of Lurch

Lurch – is a math word processor that can check your proofs! This button will open a blank document with no rules or background material in the instructor version of Lurch.

Math 299 Lurch Rule Libraries

Cumulative Topics – each link one opens a blank Lurch document whose context consists of the rules for that topic, and those from the topics above it.

Propositional Logic
defines and, or, not, implies, iff, and contradiction (view rules)
Predicate Logic with Equality
defines forall $\left(\forall\right)$, exists $\left(\exists\right)$, equality $\left(=\right)$, unique existence $\left(\exists!\right)$ (view rules)
Logic Theorems
provides some common theorems from Logic (view rules)
Natural Numbers
the Peano Axioms for the Natural Numbers (view rules)
Number Theory Definitions
defines, less than $\left(\lt\right)$, divides $\left(\mid\right)$, prime, even, odd (view rules)
defines a single ‘rule’ that enables Lurch to validate transitive chains of equalities without needing substitution, reflexivity, symmetry, or transitivity (view rules)
Number Theory Theorems
provides some useful theorems from Number Theory that are provable from the Peano Axioms (view rules)
Sequences and Recursion
defines summation $\left(\sum\right)$, Fibonnaci numbers $\left(F_n\right)$, factorial $\left(!\right)$, multinomial coefficients $\binom{n}{k}$, binomial coefficients, exponentiation $\left(z^n\right)$ (view rules)
Real Numbers
defines the field axioms for the Real Numbers (view rules)
Set Theory
defines in $\left(\in\right)$, subset $\left(\subseteq\right)$, intersection $\left(\cap\right)$, union $\left(\cup\right)$, complement $\left(‘\right)$, set difference $\left(\setminus\right)$, powerset $\left(\mathscr{P}\right)$, Cartesian product $\left(\times\right)$, finite set $\left(\{ \ldots \}\right)$, tuple $\langle\ldots\rangle$, Indexed Union $\left(\bigcup\right)$, Indexed Intersection $\left(\bigcap\right)$, Set Builder notation $\left(\{ z : \ldots\}\right)$ (view rules)
defines maps $\left(f\colon A \to B\right)$, function application $\left(f(x)\right)$, maps to $\left(\mapsto\right)$, image $\left(f(U)\right)$, identity map $\left(\text{id}_A\right)$ inverse image $\left(f^\text{inv}(U)\right)$, composition $\left(\circ\right)$, inverse function $\left(f^{-1}\right)$, injective, surjective, bijective (view rules)
defines reflexive, symmetric, transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric, total, partial order, strict partial order, total order, equivalence relation, partition, equivalence class $[a]$ (view rules)

Some Other Useful Contexts

Equations and Logic Only
Equations, Logic Theorems, Predicate Logic, Propositional Logic.
Sets, Equations, and Logic
Set Theory, Equations, Logic Theorems, Predicate Logic, Propositional Logic.
Functions, Sets, Equations, and Logic
Functions, Set Theory, Equations, Logic Theorems, Predicate Logic, Propositional Logic.

Prove it! Math Academy Lurch Rule Libraries

Prove it! Topics – each link one opens a blank Lurch document whose context consists of the rules for that topic.

Proof by Contradiction and Cases
defines or, not, and contradiction (view rules)
