Topics for Math 320
This is just a rough guide to the topics I hope to cover in the course. I am
currently redesigning the course, so some of the topics below may be omitted or
replaced by other topics as we proceed.
- Background
- Intro to proofs (see proof recipes
reference for details)
- modus ponens and =>+
- iff
- proof by contradiction
- proof by cases (or+)
- for all + and for all -
- there exists + and there exists -
- Sets, functions, composition, images, etc (see Set
Theory Handout)
- Iteration
- Iteration Terms
- Discrete dynamical systems
- Orbits, cycles, fixed points.
- seed (0th iteration)
- nth iteration (nth term)
- orbits
- cyclic points, eventually cyclic points, fixed points
- cycles, eventual cycles
- Examples of Iteration
- Collatz
- Post's Tag Problem
- Sumerian method for square roots
- Euclidean Algorithm
- Classical Fractals via Geometric Iteration
- Sierpinski triangle
- Directed Segment Replacement
- Koch curve
- Koch snowflake
- Cantor set
- Sierpinski triangle by DSR
- Pythagorean trees (1st Maple project: Pythagorean spiral)
- General grid-based hand fractals
- fern, M-sets, organic fractals, landscapes, etc.
- Introduction to Maple
- assignment, for, if, proc, lists, sets, basics
- Metric spaces
- definition
- examples
- properties (open, closed, limits, complete)
- Contraction Mappings and Hutchinson Operators
- definition and examples
- contraction mapping theorem (Banach)
- Hutchinson operation as contraction mapping
- Metric space of compact sets
- Hausdorff metric
- Attractor of an IFS: fixed point of Hutchinson operation
- Introduction to Complex Numbers
- Standard form: a+bi
- +, *, /, in C
- Absolute value of z in C
- Conjugate
- Geometric effect of multiplication and addition
- Polar form
- Affine maps
- 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions
- Standard form
- Matrix form
- Geometric form
- Complex form
- Contraction factor
- Determination from three points
- Definition
- Deterministic Method
- Mr. Face as seed
- independence of starting figure
- iterations
- Guess my IFS
- Grid-based IFS fractals & relatives of Sierpinski
- Computing an IFS from an attractor
- Addresses
- The Chaos game (Sierpinski via random walk)
- Chaos game game (web page)
- Base B rulers as IFS attractors
- Addresses
- Random iteration method for IFS
- weighted choices
- Fractal Curves
- Koch
- space filling
- Sierpinski
- Carpet
- Complete description of the MTC
- Dimension
- Topological
- Similarity
- just touching
- Self-affine
- Hausdorff
- Box dimension/Grid dimension
- coast of England
- Illustrations via computer
- Fractal Interpolation Theory
- interpolating data points with fractal curves of desired dimensionsf
- fractal landscapes
- fractal clouds, plasma fractals
- fractal image compression
- Percolation & Diffusion Limited Aggregation
- Forest fire spread/conductivity
- DLA growth
- Chaos
- conjugacy of dynamical systems
- attracting/repelling points
- graphical analysis
- Definitions of Chaos
- Devaney
- Banks et al.
- Touhey
- Chaotic families
- quadractic
- logistic
- tent
- shift map
- route to chaos
- Period doubling
- bifurcation diagnosis
- Feigenbaum number
- relationship to M-set
- Detecting Chaos
- Chaos game test
- Close pairs plots
- first return plot
- controlling chaos
- Fractals via other means
- HIFS's
- definition and introduction
- deterministic method
- random method
- L-systems
- Lindemayer & history
- definition and implementation
- Fractint/Winfeed
- classifies fractals via L-systems
- Number Theory
- mod
- Pascal's triangle and Sierpinski
- Complete description of Sierpinski
- Cellular Automata
- definition
- Von Neumann neighborhoods
- Moore neighborhoods
- outer totalistic rules
- notation (rules)
- Winarc notation and use
- gliders, fractals, Conway's life, Gosper's glider factory, etc
- Langton's lambda
- Complex Fractals
- Mandelbrot set
- definition
- coloring schemes
- Fractint/Maple
- periods of the bulbs/counting arms
- equipotential lines/binary decomposition
- Julia sets
- definition Julia vs. filled in Julia
- connectedness and relationship to M-set
- Tan Lei's Theorem
- Julia sets via IFS
- Newton's method and associated fractal
- Strange Attractors
- 2 dimensional discrete systems
- Henon's attractor
- Lozi strange attractor
- Continuous dynamical systems and diffeq's
- Rossler attractor
- Lorenz attractor
- Other topics as time permits