Ken Monks
    Dept. of Mathematics
    University of Scranton
    Scranton, PA 18510
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Math 484 - Art of Problem Solving - Syllabus

Course: The Art of Problem Solving
Term: Fall 2010
Time: TR 6:00-7:15pm and beyond
Location: Room STT314

Instructor: Dr. Ken Monks
Office: STT163A
Phone: (570) 941-6101
Office Hours:  T-Th 5:15-6:00pm, 7:15-7:45pm and beyond (or following the end of Math 484, whichever comes last) and by appointment or email
           [Note: Office hours may be held in either STT314, HYL 102, or STT163A.  Check all three locations.]

Required Textbooks: P. Zeitz, The Art and Craft of Problem Solving, Wiley, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0-471-78901-1

Course Prerequisites: intense love of mathematics

Course Objective: To provide the student with an introduction to the joys of mathematical problem solving by actually solving problems. Students should strive to improve their ability to solve mathematical problems through hands-on practice and obtain an understanding of the strategies, tactics, and tools of the problem solver as illustrated by the textbook and the instructor. 

Course Format: This course will not be a traditional lecture-style mathematics course, but rather is a training session in problem solving mathematics.  Consider the difference between taking a course on the theory of running (where you learn about the nutrition, form, training programs, types of sneakers, various events, strategies, and history of the sport) vs. taking a training program in running (where you actually run and run and run lots of miles to get in shape even if you hardly know what your are doing) or taking a course in music and piano theory (where you learn how to interpret sheet music and learn the parts of the piano and listen to famous piano compositions on CD) vs. taking piano lessons where you actually practice and practice and practice playing the piano yourself. Similarly our course is not a course about the theory of problem solving (where you learn about what others say about problem solving or the history of famous solutions to problems) but rather it is hands-on training in problems solving that will be primarily focused on having you solve problems yourself, no matter how good or bad at it you may be.  Just as any runner, no matter how fit or talented benefits from lots of running in training, so shall you benefit from lots of problem solving. Rather than interacting with you in the role of instructor, I will interact with you in the role of coach.

Thus, rather than learn material related to problem solving, and then working exercises related to that material, we will do things the other way around.  You will be given problems to solve, and if a particular problem requires that you learn a particular topic in mathematics, then we will learn that topic at that point.  So the course will be problem-driven, rather than topic-driven.  The problems will motivate the topics rather than the other way around.

Course requirements: There are no traditional homework assignments or exams in the course.  The following are mandatory however. 

  • Problem Training notebook: All of the problems you solve, in addition to all of the scratch work you do when trying to solve a problem should be kept in a single bound notebook (or several if you run out of paper).  This does not include write ups of problems that you hand in which should be done on separate paper.
  • Training Log: Each student must keep a training log in which they record (a) the starting and ending times for each training session in which they are solving problems from the course exclusively, whether in class or outside of class.  The log should be neat and organized, with daily totals, weekly totals, and a running cumulative total for the entire semester. Each entry should list the problem or problems that you were working on during that time. You should use the following sample spreadsheet for your training log. If you don't have Excel, you can install the free Open Office program and use this version of the Training Log spreadsheet instead. A weekly summary should be emailed to me each Tuesday before class summarizing everything from the previous Tuesday to Monday inclusive.
    The subject line of the message you send me MUST be exactly this format (so my email filter can handle the attachments correctly):
    [LOG] - lastname
    where "lastname" is replaced with your last name in all lowercase letters. Also, "LOG" should be in all uppercase. Include the brackets '[' and ']' and leave exact one space between the second bracket and the '-' and exactly one space between the '-' and your last name. In addition the name of your attachment must be:
    or lastname.xls if you are using Excel instead of Open Office and can't save your file as .ods format (if you can, I prefer .ods format). In either case "lastname" is replaced with your last name in all lowercase letters.
  • Must-know notebook: As various mathematical topics ("tools" as Zeitz calls them) come up in the course as required by particular problems I will tell you "must know" facts.  Those facts must be entered in a Must-know notebook, and memorized before the next class meeting.  At any point in the course we will have unannounced quizzes to determine if you know what you must know.
  • In-class problem sets: We will have some timed problem sets that are to be worked in class. Some will be done individually and some as a group.
  • Out of class problem sets: We will also have more extensive problems and problem sets that are to be done outside of class and written up to hand in. Some will be done individually and some as a group.
  • In-class presentations: All students will be required to present problems at the board, discuss solutions with other students, and work in groups at solving problems.

Attendance Policy: Since the course is intended to provide hands-on problem solving training as opposed to a traditional lecture format, class attendance is a necessary component of the course. Should you miss a class for any reason, you are still responsible for all announcements made and all material discussed during that class.

Email and the Web: All students in this course are required to have a university email account and are expected to check their email frequently for announcements and other information I may send to you. I will use email and the internet quite extensively in the course. If you prefer to check your home email instead of your university email you can forward your university email to you home account by following these instructions. I will not change your email address in my email address book from its default university account so you must either read your university email or forward it to your home account. Each student is also expected to be able to access any information that I post on the world wide web which is related to your course. You may access this information from the mathematics department computer lab in STT161. Contact the Help Desk if you need assistance.

Cheating: Cheating is repugnant to the very nature of problem solving. Please drop the course immediately if you feel the urge to cheat for you have clearly failed miserably as a problem solver and nobody in the class will like you.

Grading:  There will be no exams, no homework, and no grades in the course.  There will just be LOTS of problems, some of which will be worked in class, some as group projects that will be written up and handed in, others presented in class, some worked for your own enjoyment and benefit and training.  Grades and exams and deadlines and time limits on class meetings are antithetical to the spirit and nature of the art of problem solving. If you are concerned about what grade you are getting in the course, then you are definitely not doing well.  On the other hand if all you care about is solving the current batch of problems with no concern for your grade in the course, then you are doing fine.  Problem solving must be motivated by love and curiosity and passion and desire and pride and the need to overcome a challenge and experience new vistas by climbing to great heights, not by mundane paranoid concerns over grades and gpa.

Still, the university does require that each student receive a grade in the course when the course is completed. The grade you receive will be completely determined by me based on my subjective professional judgment of your performance taking into account your written and oral presentations, your interaction with the other students, your class attendance, peer evaluations, the amount of training indicated in your logbook, the amount of problem solving indicated in your notebook, the quality and quantity of the problems you attempt and hand in, the uniqueness of your approach to particular problems, and other such criteria. This mechanism for determining course grades is consistent with the spirit of problem solving and training in general where the coach of the activity selects the team members who will constitute his "A" team, "B" team, etc. Note that you will not be judged on your level of skill as a problem solver but rather on how much you improve, how much you learn, and how much effort you put into the course.

Also, since attendence and class participation is a major component of the course we will have the following grading policy. There are approximately 27 classes in this course. In order for a class to count towards your attendance you should be present throughout the entire class, and participate in the day's activities (e.g. participate in group activities, no sleeping, etc). You may miss up to two classes due to sickness or conflicts without penalty, but will be penalized one letter grade (A to A-. A- to B+, etc) for each class you miss after that.

Finally, you will be required to participate in several actual mathematics competitions throughout the semester. These will be weighed heavily when determining your final course grade. The most important of these contests is the Putnam Exam, which is usually held on the first Saturday in December (Dec. 4 this year). You are required to participate in this contest, so mark your calendar!!

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand

                  - Chinese Proverb

Adaptability: I retain the right to modify or change any of the policies stated in this syllabus during the term if I feel it is in the best interests of the students and the course.

Self Portrait

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. © Ken Monks